Journaling: An Essential Part of Healing
What’s rolling around in there?
Sometimes we all need to be called out on our B.S. Anyone who is familiar with doing the work knows that we can't always see through our own stuff - especially when we just leave it in our mind to marinate!
This is why journaling is one of my favorite shadow work practices! It’s a great way to learn how to tune in and listen to what your body needs you to know.
Journaling is an amazing tool to help you break down the barriers and learn how to listen, honor, and care for your needs.
Life Unfiltered
Writing can help you express yourself unfiltered. You can be as raw, and honest, and vulnerable as you want - and at the end you can burn it (although I typically like to keep mine to look back on).
Knowing those pages are for your eyes only takes the fear out of "being found out", judged, criticized, or hurt. You know, those thoughts of "if they only knew..."
Although, at first, you might find that you still try to filter your emotions because you think you "should" or "shouldn't" feel a way about it. But that's the beauty of writing… it's just for you.
Often people feel that they have no idea where to even begin - even I feel like this sometimes! I sit down and think, "I've got nothing..." but I start anyways. More often than not, my entries start with "I have no idea what I am feeling..." and before I know it, I have 3 pages and a solution.
Learn the Value of Vulnerability
When you can be honest and vulnerable with yourself, you can start to learn how to do it with others as well. This is a great way to learn just how much (or little) you actually allow yourself to feel seen and heard.
Vulnerability is often thought of as a weakness, but in actuality, it is a sign of courage. It takes tremendous strength to show up as you are, knowing there is a potential to be hurt. You see, as humans we don't necessarily want to be vulnerable, but we need it. It is a requirement if we want to experience true joy, authenticity, and unconditional love.
Physical Release
Journaling is also a great way to physically get those built up emotions out of your body! Think about those times you've had a really good cry, and then afterwards you felt exhausted, but better… it's like that!
I have included a list of prompts below to help you get started. I recommend scanning the list and choosing one topic that really jumps out at you. Take a moment to really feel into it. Close your eyes, place your hand on your heart and ask the question. Journal any and every thought that comes to you. It doesn’t t have to make sense or flow - just write!
Afterwards, notice how you feel in your body. Do you feel a shift? Did anything surprise you? Is there something more that needs your attention?
Let me know how your journaling goes!
And of course, if you ever feel like you need help I'm here for it.