These Small Changes Can Transform Your Life
Small changes, life changing results!
Are you tired of the wellness industry and diet gurus promoting radical nutrition philosophies? These days, you can find a diet for anything, ranging from raw vegan to all-meat diets, all claiming to be THE answer.
Meanwhile, in the real world, most people struggle just to eat whole foods and meet their daily recommended fruit and vegetable intake. Excess sugar and processed foods are a huge staple in the Standard American Diet, and the main cause of a wide range of health issues. In fact, 859,000 Americans die each year due to cardiovascular disease and stroke. The main causes of cardiovascular issues are directly related to diet and lifestyle which include:
high blood pressure
high cholesterol
excessive alcohol use
physical inactivity
emotional stress
Furthermore, according to the American Cancer Society, the number one type of cancer, and number two leading cause of death are gastrointestinal (GI) cancers. This should make everyone question what is going on within the digestive tract.
If you happen to be the average person in America, the good news is you don’t need a drastic diet to see massive changes in your health. A little guidance towards sustainable nutrition can completely transform your health and your life!
Begin to Change Your Life with 3 Small Changes in Your Kitchen
Focus on whole foods, rather than processed foods - Whole foods include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, beans and legumes, pastured animals, herbs and spices. The problem with processed foods is that our bodies do not recognize them as actual food. They are depleted of real nutrients in the processing phase, and then "enriched and fortified" with synthetic vitamins and minerals - which are not the same. Let me ask you something - if I stole $100 from you, but then I felt a little guilty about it, so I gave you back $10 in Monopoly money, would you feel "enriched and fortified"? Definitely not! Not only this, but the FDA has approved over 80,000 chemicals to use in our food supply (many of which are banned in other countries because they are known carcinogens and neurotoxins) Why, America??? (Well, we know why... #customersforlife). Bottom line: processed foods are the main cause of our health issues today.
Focus on variety - Be sure to eat as many different types of whole foods as you can. Be mindful of what you are consuming. It is so easy to get lost in our daily habits (especially because 95% of your decision making is controlled by your subconscious mind).
Avoid refined and processed sugars - The average American consumes over 180 lbs. of refined sugar each year - that's nearly 1/2 a cup every single day. Refined and processed sugars include cane sugar, corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and many, many more. All of these contribute to inflammation and disease within the body, as well as weaken the immune system by lowering white blood cell function. If you crave sweets, bring more natural sugar into your diet with fresh fruit, which does not harm the body. In fact, fruit is the exact opposite and kills pathogens, detoxes the gut, and helps heal every single organ. Not only this, but fruit contains living water, minerals, vitamins, protein, fat, fiber, antioxidants, and fights cancer more than any other food.
A Little Inspiration
One of my all time favorite stories is about a client I worked with several years ago. She came to me looking for help with managing her blood sugar and hoping to lose some weight. She had lost quite a bit of her hair due to her thyroid condition, she was prediabetic, on high blood pressure medication, she had high cholesterol and liver enzymes, and her kidney function was extremely low.
We worked together, getting her on a diet that would help regulate her blood sugar, as well as incorporating a few supplements to support her body with naturally restoring balance. Within one year, she lost over 100 lbs. through diet alone - no exercise at all! Her hair grew back, her thyroid function was within normal range, she was no longer prediabetic, she was able to get off of her blood pressure medication, and her cholesterol, liver enzymes and kidney function were all within a healthy range!
How did she do it? No, it wasn't anything extreme or with a fad diet! She cut out processed foods, eliminated sugar, and avoided a few main food sensitivities. She wasn't perfect, but she was consistent and mindful of what she was putting into her body and how it made her feel.
You can get started today, too!
Are you ready to kick start your health? This could be the day you take your power back and gain control of your future - and I want to help you do just that!
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